Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oh I miss Amanda and Sarah!!

Oh my word, I laughed hard..and a lot.. at that last post..I miss you girls so much!! And in response to your post, I will most definitely not be leaving you anytime soon! If the pattern continues, I'll proceed to not have any dates during the semester, date a lot at the end and then go on to never hear from those guys again :) Which I decided I'm ok with, because I will still have Amanda and Sarah..and of course Jessica, just not as one of us single ladies :) Amanda, on the other hand has a guy madly in love with her and I'm waiting in anticipation to hear about that so I better get a call!! Me and Jessica just got back from a fireside commemorating the building of our church 30 years ago...what a special treat :) Jessica will agree that it was a wonderful wonderful meeting. For about the first half hour..the next 3 hours were a little long. ha just kidding, it was only 2 hours, but still, people really really like remembering the good ol' days in Fruityland, Idaho. Who wouldn't? With a population of about 1,000, there were some good times had here. I'm just not making any sense, it would be a lot funnier in person when me and Jessica could tell you some stories but I will stop boring you. Love you girls!!!!

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